DaVinci Resolve 11 shortcut cheat sheet
Here is an updated version on the Resolve shortcut cheat sheet I did a while ago. This one is up te date with the latest 11.1 shortcuts.
Feel free to share an use it while crediting my website: www.ilovehue.net
Click the link to download the file: Resolve11shortcuts_ilovehue
And here is a JPG version to use as desktop background/wallpaper (2560×1600): http://ilovehue.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Resolve11shortcuts_ilovehue21.jpg
- DaVinci Resolve Grading Round Up | Jonny Elwyn - Film Editor - […] helpful thing to grab would be Canadian colorist Mathieu Marano’s DaVinci Resolve 11 Short Cut Cheat Sheet – a …
Tjank you made copy to place nearby untill most is learned.
I like them. Will you make a resolve 12 shortcut cheatsheet as well?
Thanks, John
Thank you for these. I too would like to know if you will be updating it for 12. Thanks again
Or even better, a 12.5 one. Please?
It is really good…