In the same series of TVC posted earlier, these were also directed by Greg Barth (L'Éloi) for Cossette. I graded them in Resolve and did the online in Smoke. ____ Dans la même série que…
So, on June 5th I'll be hosting the 9th Montreal PostNAB conference and expo at Théâtre Telus. The PostNAB is a Final Cut MTL tradition presented in collaboration with Blackmagic Design. It's a free event…
HOT DOG is a comedy written and directed by Marc-André Lavoie and produced by Orange Media. It stars Rémy Girard, Paul Doucet, and Éric Salvail in it's first role ever. It was shot by DP…
I'm writing this as a reminder for myself so that I don't forget one bit of this process the next time I do this. Flanders Scientific makes great reference monitors for online and color grading…
I got a call from L'Éloi. They were looking for a colorist to work on a tv commercials (Agence: Cossette) for WIXX, a public organization pushing pre-teens to move off their chair and go play…