TV Series: Ouisurf

Early November I got a call from Toxa, a Montreal production company who was looking for a colorist for a suf show. You don’t get this offer too often in Montreal. Lots of snowboard, but surf… not so much.

Ouisurf started as a website oriented at Quebec surfers. They were doing a amazing job at keep up with all the news and competitions. They are also renewed for their surf trip videos. I’m not a surfer and I was following their journeys. So when I was asked to work on the TV series I accepted with joy.

The 13 episode show will be broadcasted by Evasion starting January 10th at 9PM. Follow Jean-Michel and Benjamin as they try to find the best surf spot in Asia.

They show was shot mainly with Canon 5D mk III and GoPro. It was edited in FCP7 and I graded in DaVinci Resolve 9 on my FSI monitor. It was my first complete job with the FSI. I’ll post a link as soon as it’s online.

OS1301-Extrait from Évasion on Vimeo.

EN onde dès le 10 janvier 2013 à 21h sur Évasion.

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