Speedgrade CC shortcuts

Speedgrade CC shortcuts

I’m starting to get serious on Adobe Speedgrade CC and I found that the Help file and shortcut reference were a bit lacking so I took on me to edit this keyboard shortcut cheat sheet.

In this version you’ll find all the shortcuts I could find on the Adobe website. I mapped them on a MAC and a PC keyboard. Feel free to download, print and share this. It also make a great desktop wallpaper.  And please tell me of you find any errors.

Download the PDF here.

Article: Sending back your FSI monitor for calibration

Article: Sending back your FSI monitor for calibration

I’m writing this as a reminder for myself so that I don’t forget one bit of this process the next time I do this.

Flanders Scientific makes great reference monitors for online and color grading purposes. They don’t do much advertising but offer a great service. If you want an FSI monitor you have to order it through their website and they ship it next day. When you receive it you can make sure you monitor is well calibrated. It also comes with a label saying how to set you backlight for various cdl values.

The thing is I had a gig, a amazing gig, a feature film grading gig so I wanted to make sure that the monitor was A-ok before I start grading the movie. The good news was that Flanders Scientific will re-calibrate your monitor for free whenever you think it needs it. You only have to ship them. It takes them a day to do the job so if you use the FEDEX next-day priority service all this can happen in 3 days in and out.

That is exactly what I did and this is why I’m writing this right now; to ensure that I don’t repeat the same mistakes I did before.

So, before you send your FSI monitor for calibration, make sure you have the latest firmware. On the last build they changed some LUT setups that improve the response on the monitor. So if you have a doubt on the colour that the monitor is showing, be sure you do that first.

Also, the technology used in the LM-2461W needs to warm up for 30 minutes before showing it’s optimal color range so be patient if you have to compare with another monitor, it might look off when you turn it on but will take its time to settle.

So, once you’ve done that, and you still think you have to send it for calibration, here is what not to forget:

  • Call or write to FSI to get an RMA and tell them your are sending your monitor in for calibration. THey will ask you for the serial number that is on the sticker at the back of the monitor.
  • Wrap the monitor in it’s original packaging with the foam and all to make sur the screen doesn’t get scratched if they open the box at customs.
  • Call or go the FEDEX.com and create an account. You can do without the permanent account but it’s easier to follow you packages and “preferences” when you send multiple boxes.
  • The FEDEX priority service is the next-day-before-10:30 service. That’s what I chose to send my monitor from Montreal, Canada to Sewanee, Georgia (US).  The thing is that FEDEX doesn’t take no responsibility in custom delays so if you package hasn’t cleared customs by 8:30AM , it won’t make it on the truck and it will automatically be delayed by a day. So, to make sure everything goes smoothly here is what you must do:
  • Fill in for a waybill online. If you choose for an intentional shipping you will be able to select the FEDEX PRIORITY service.
  • You will also be able to fill in a form and get the return tracking number anf labels at the same time. There is a checkbox for that at the bottom of the 1st page. If you do it there you might save  hundreds of dollars on shipping.
  • To save yourself fees and a bunch of phone calls to FEDEX, make sure you chose return and repair in the shipping purpose drop down menu.
  • After filling all the boxes you’ll be able to print the label to send the monitor, the one for the return and the Commercial invoice. You will need at least 3 copies of each.
  • If you can, print a commercial invoice PDF your FEDEX representative can send you by email. Fill it by had. It’s a bit more painful but you have a lot more place to describe what’s in the box and why you send it. The US customs want A LOT of details. They find it suspicious that we don’t pay custom taxes for a 6000$ 24 inch monitor that is made in China and shipped from Canada to the US.
  • On the Commercial invoice, make sure your write that this you are sending the monitor for servicing and repair under warranty, otherwise they want to make you pay taxes on the repair.
  • Also, make a commercial invoice for Canada to US and another one for US to Canada with the addresses in the right place for each of course… and in 3 copies.
  • When you get you tracking number, send it to FSI so that then can follow your shipping.
  • To save yourself some time, you also have to fill in for a broker document that FEDEX can provide you in advance. The thing is you have to ask for it. Otherwise, your box will be stuck in Canadian customs upon it’s return and you’ll loose another day there. This is only for companies, if you are an individual, you only have to ask them for an authorization email that you reply to by saying that you agree that FEDEX takes the custom process in charge.
  • Once it’s sent, make you you ask for email warnings because FEDEX WON’T CALL YOU if there is a problem with the parcel.
  • If there is a problem with customs call FEDEX and ask what is the problem and insist to speak to a person in charge of customs.
  • If US customs are missing infos because some are missing on the Commercial invoice you’ll have to FAX a new form to them…yeah, a fax, I know!
  • FEDEX agents can’t send you a this fax number by email so make sure you can take note when you call. I had to call a 2nd time to get this number because I was driving the first time I called.

Sendin the monitor from Montreal to Sewanee is about 400$. If you book a return at the same time you get about 25% off.

So, here is what you must put on the box as it goes to FSI:

  • 3x FEDEX waybill to US
  • 3x Commercial invoice to US
  • 3x Flanders RMA papers
  • Write your RMA all over the box

Here is what must go in the box for return:

  • 3x FEDEX return waybill
  • 3x return commercial invoice
  • 3x FSI RMA paper

With all that it should be good!

Procedure: FCP to RESOLVE

Procedure: FCP to RESOLVE

In the past months I’ve done a lot of freelance grading gig. Clients send me their hard disk and I grade their film in my suite and I send them back the drive. Pretty easy isn’t it? Well, not for everybody so I end up spending a lot of time on the phone with editors, assistant-editors and technical directors explaining them how to export an XML and how to do a Media Manager the right way. So I decided to write a simple procedure to help them and to save me some time.

So here is an 11 pages procedure explaining how to prepare a Final Cut project and all the elements needed to send a film to a colourist working on Resolve. Don’t worry, it’s not too long, I just took time to explain some details, took screenshots, wrote a table of content and tried to indulge some basic naming theory.  I also added a form for client to fill and send with their project.


As english is not my first language, feel free to send me comments or to report mistakes by email at matATilovehueDOTnet

DaVinci Resolve 9 shortcut cheat sheet (updated 2013-08-17)

DaVinci Resolve 9 shortcut cheat sheet (updated 2013-08-17)

As I’m giving a Resolve class next week I thought it would be a good idea to update my shortcut cheat sheet to version 9.  Blackmagic Design as changed a lot of shortcuts in the latest version of Resolve. Here is the PDF to all the DaVinci Resolve 9 shortcuts mapped on a keyboard with associated modifier keys.  I also did a 1920×1200 gray on black png to use as desktop picture. Feel free to print it, share it and frame it.

DaVinci Resolve 9 shortcut cheat sheet (PDF)

*Updated with Resolve 9.1.5 shorcuts on August 17th 2013

Resolve 11 shortcuts are right here

Initiation à l’étalonnage et à DaVinci Resolve

La formation du 3-4 novembre 2012 est complète. Vous pouvez par contre vous inscrire à la formation du 24-25 novembre. Cliquez ICI pour vous inscrire ou pour avoir plus de renseignement.


Depuis un an, je suis appelé de plus en plus souvent à travaille sur plusieurs production qui ont décidé d’utiliser DaVinci Resolve comme solution d’étalonnage.  Le prix plus qu’abordable, l’efficacité et la versatilité de Resolve en fait un choix évident pour les boîtes de post-production.  Cependant plusieurs hésitent encore beaucoup à l’intégrer car ils éprouvent de la difficulté à trouver de la main d’oeuvre qualifiée pour l’opérer.  C’est pourquoi j’ai décidé d’offrir ce cours: Initiaiton à l’étalonnages et à DaVinci Resolve.

Cette formation a pour but d’établir les bases de l’utilisation du logiciel d’étalonnage. Il permettra aux participants de naviguer et d’opérer l’application et d’expérimenter rapidement avec les différentes techniques d’étalonnages.  Ce cours est parfait pour les utiliseurs de Apple Color, les monteurs online qui travaillent sur Final Cut Pro et Avid Symphony.

Voici le programme proposé:

  • Particularité des formats numériques (RAW, compression, log, color sampling)
  • Les outils du coloriste (Vectorscope, Parade, moniteur de référence)
  • Corrections primaires et secondaires
  • Stratégie d’étalonnage
  • L’interface de DaVinci Resolve
  • Les outils de DaVinci Resolve
  • Les nodes
  • Tracking et keyframes
  • Création d’un projet
  • Conformer un projet Final Cut Pro
  • Conformer un projet Avid
  • Export et livraison

Pour l’instant je vises le début novembre 2012 pour 300$. Si vous êtes intéressés par ce cours vous pouvez vous inscrire à cette liste d’envoi et je vous contacterai pour vous tenir au courant des développements.

Vous pouvez aussi me rejoindre au matATilovehueDOTnet

DaVinci Resolve keyboard shortcut cheat sheet

DaVinci Resolve keyboard shortcut cheat sheet

It’s back, while redesigning my website I deleted the folder that contained the PDF versions of the  DaVInci Resolve keyboard shortcut cheat sheet I did.  Now it’s back!

Here are two PDF documents on which you’ll find all the Resolve 8 shortcuts mapped on a standard Apple keyboard.  Feel free to share, modify and use them.

The condensed version

The long version